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Why we started

Founder and CEO, Mark Palfreeman created Nixplay in 2007 as a way for families to stay connected, privately, wherever they may be. Being a dad of two, with family spread around the world, Mark saw a need, not only in his own family, but in others, too. Far-away grandparents who long for daily news of their grandkids. Newlyweds wanting to share their new lives with families far away. College kids who want the comfort of staying in touch with home.

Where we’re going

14 years and more than 2 million-and-half frames later, Nixplay has become the proven means of staying connected with family over distance. Privately. Securely. What’s kept us in business as the global number-one selling digital photo frame all these years? It’s because we haven’t finished yet. We're obsessive about design and functionality just like we are with security. We invest heavily in customer service. And work harder than anyone we know to deliver you a sharing experience that is simply the best.


homes with Nixplay

+2.2 million


+1 billion

photos, videos displayed daily


trees planted since 2017

Our Values

  • Family


    Helping families stay connected over distance, privately and securely, is why we do what we do.

  • Privacy


    Your data and your memories are private. Period. Your data is both encrypted and stored in your country.

  • Quality


    Our goal is to deliver every single Nixplay Frame into your hands (or the hands of the loved ones you’re gifting it to) in perfect working order, as intended.

  • Service


    Great customer service is the foundation upon which our company is built. Our service team are on hand to help.

  • A Better World

    A Better World

    We’re a corporate partner of Trees for the Future, planting a tree for every Smart Photo Frame sold.

30-day Money 
Back Guarantee
30-day Money Back Guarantee
One year warranty
Plastic-free packaging
One year warranty
One year warranty